Monday, 12 November 2012

#LeedsPlaylist - CultFix 02 - A Celebration of Geek Culture

CulturallyFixated have recently starting contributing to the wonderful LeedsPlaylist !

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CultFix 02 - Otaku


Picture from tinterweb! 

OTAKU – A Japanese term that refers to people with obsessive interests.

I decided that I wanted to put together a playlist that celebrated Geeks and the Culture that’s evolved around it. 

I was a bit nervous to begin with. Not sure if I was ‘allowed’ as I barely consider myself to be a geek at all – maybe on the peripherals – so I started to research to make sure that I didn’t leave out anything vital. 

After deciding that there were at least 8 categories*** to start from, across at least 5**** distinct genera’s; I set to work. Some hours later – while debating the inclusion or lack thereof of a particular topic***** – I had an epiphany. 

It probably doesn’t matter that I’m not a *proper *Geek – and who decides that anyway? 
It probably doesn’t matter if I don’t cover *every single aspect* of a fandom that’s larger than life and then some. 

There are many others who will have *better *knowledge about everything than I. 

But I’m the one making this playlist! After swotting up for a 10 track playlist for at least half a day – I’ve probably assured my own suitability! 

Song List - Geeky Songs – My Personal Favourites! 
01 – Bare Naked Ladies – The History of Everything – SCIENCE; EVOLUTION
02 – Beastie Boys – Ch-Check it out – STAR TREK
03 – Mouldy Peaches – Anyone Else But You – GAMER 
04 – Thomas Dolby – She blinded me with science – SCIENCE 
05 – Devo – Through being Cool – SF; ANTI-COOL 
06 – Marian Call – I’ll Still Be A Geek After Nobody Thinks It’s Chic – GEEK; ANTI-COOL 
07 – Tenacious D – Wonderboy – COMICS; SUPERS 
08 – Random – Grow Up – GEEK 
09 – Chemical Brothers & John Williams – Galvanize the Empire – STAR WARS
10 – Felicia Day & the Guild – I’m the one that Cool – GAMER 

(I have a feeling that I’ll be returning to this theme in the very soon for a second CD. With stuff like Pinball Wizard, Nerd Girl, Roll a D6, Ramble on… I might just do a separate Superman based one.) 

*   Categories    – Comics; Games; Tv; Films; Books; Science; Computers; Attitude.

** Sub-Genera’s – Anthems; Mainstream; Metal; Nerdcore Rap & Hip Hop; Gamer.

***Steam punk?

Song List - Geeky Songs – My Personal Favourites! 

01 – Bare Naked Ladies – The History of Everything – SCIENCE; EVOLUTION 
Brilliant song and regular podcast listeners will know that there is a protocol to singing along! 

02 – Beastie Boys – Ch-Check it out – STAR TREK 
Coz it rocks. 

03 – Mouldy Peaches – Anyone Else But You – GAMER 
One of my favourite songs - disovered while watching Juno - one of my favourtie films. 

04 – Thomas Dolby – She blinded me with science – SCIENCE 
Coz how could you make a list without it?! 

05 – Devo – Through being Cool – SF; ANTI-COOL 
The perfect antidote. 

06 – Marian Call – I’ll Still Be A Geek After Nobody Thinks It’s Chic – GEEK; ANTI-COOL 
THIS! I want this song as a blankie for when I'm asked why I like SF again! 

07 – Tenacious D – Wonderboy – COMICS; SUPERS 
I so rarely get the opportunity to include Tenacious D in playlists - a shame because I do love em! 

08 – Random – Grow Up – GEEK 

09 – Chemical Brothers & John Williams – Galvanize the Empire – STAR WARS 
Please find on YouTube HERE. I couldn't find this on spotify. Such a good track 

10 – Felicia Day & the Guild – I’m the one that Cool – GAMER 
The BEST SONG EVER! And the video is AWESOME! (Find on YouTube HERE) If you don't know who Felicia Day is - remedy this immediately by subscribing to Geek and Sundry HERE !)

Whether I'm a Geek or not is the sort of thing that bothers me at 3am after a bottle of wine. 

·        I am a passionate fan of the WHEDON – a superior being and writer.
·        Love me some BOOKS. Blog about them, pod about them, book club about them.
·        Love me some TV/FIL-UMS too.  Blog (ish) about them, pod about them, watch em constantly!
·        PRIORITIES – I would rather buy books, comics or DVD’s than food or clothes. Even in a one or t’other situation. 
·        Addicted to social media and t’INTERWEB. I don’t know if this necessarily translates as geeky – but it’s how I find the YouTube videos and links that mildly amuse my mother and convincing her that I’m bang up on trend. (HA!)
·        I CON. Yup, pay money to meet people who star in my favourite shows. Not because they are famous (heaven forfend!) but because they are part of the worlds I spend so much time visitng!
·        I’ve quite happily spent hours looking up potential songs for this PLAYLIST – surely a qualifier in and off itself?

·        I don’t wear glasses of any sort – let alone BLACK RIMMED ONES (get the offensive stereotype out of the way first eh?).
·        Ever tried to discuss geeky things when you CAN’T REMEMBER NAMES – I have noun issues. It’s a trial. Pain in the neck IRL, but absolute torture when with fellow passionistas.
·        I don’t GAME (though I’d love to give it a go!) as I have no co-ordination skills whatsoever. Play lots on my phone though. Does it count? That’s a genuine question by the way – does it count?
·        I love COMICS, but can only afford to purchase pre-existing-multi-fandom titles (though am on a first name basis with my local – counts for something right?).
·        I’ve only built one COMPUTER out of random parts and I had help. Lots of it.
Though I used to love maths and NUMBERS; years of admin work has me totally calculator dependent (Sailors Often Have Curly Auburn Hair Till Old Age – though apparently I can still remember some trigonometry shortcuts) even for the easy stuff.

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